Learning letters with bath paint

Lilly has been learning about letters at school and is learning how to write her name, so last night I decided to use our bath paint mentioned in my April favourites post.

We started off with spelling and writing her name on the wall, I wrote it as the bath paint isn't the easiest to use. She seemed to enjoy watching and learning through this so decided to start writing letters on the wall and getting her to tell me what letter it was. 

After she told me the letter I got her to try and think of words that begin with that letter which worked really well. Se was able to come up with some words for all the letters I wrote down for her. She did get a little confused with C and K, when I asked her for an animal that began with C she said Kangaroo but I explained as best I could and told her that it was a good try too.

We played with the paint for a good 20 minutes which kept Lilly ammused and was teaching her at the same time. It was so nice to see her enjoying learning and it's so good to see her inproving too. 

How have you taught your little ones letters?



  1. This is a fab idea. My daughter would this. The bath paint looks great x

  2. this is such a good idea! We have some crayons for in the bath but they don't really work very well, this looks like it works so much better x

    1. We love the paint. I almost got some crayons but glad I didn't x

  3. Our bath crayons stained the wall (!) so these sound like a great alternative.

    1. This cleans off so easy, just ordered some pink paint for just £1.50 x

  4. Aww this is so cute, I didn't even know bath paint existed!

  5. What a fantastic idea!! The boys were bought some bath crayons for their birthday! We'll definitely start doing this! :)

  6. Aw wow bath paint is such a good idea! I had only ever heard of the crayons! Glad she enjoyed using them! xo

  7. We've used bath crayons once before but it made such a mess and I couldn't bare the dirty bath water hah. I made them have a shower when we were done!

    1. These don't stain or make the bath water a funny colour, the paint sort of dissapears x

  8. This is such a fab idea. Going to try this out with my little boy!

    1. We had a lot of fun doing it and my little girl as asked to do it again x

  9. I never knew there was such as a thing as bath paint. We've black tiles so I don't think they'd work. Great idea though. My eldest knows her letters, the middle lad won't talk never mind say the alphabet haha

  10. Ooh I have a couple of these in our cupboard but I just hate the mess haha! Think I might get them out for Harry soon x

    1. Its so easy to clean up. Either wipe away or spray off with the shower x

  11. What a fab idea, I didn't even know bath paint existed!


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