Mummy + Me • May 2016

How are we at the end of May already? We have had a busy and fun month and have made a few memories together. We have definetly had a better month this month though.

At the beginning of the month we travelled up to Lydden hill to got to the BHP show we had fun watching the cars and camping out for the night. It wasn't as good as they had stated but we made the most of it and Lilly loved the cars, she is a complete car fanatic.

Also this month our local pier was re opened after an awful fire, we visited Hastings pier not long after it opened and Lilly had a lovely couple of hours enjoying everything on there.

We gave also been doing a lot of messy play this month, making the most of materials around our house to teach Lilly and play with too.

We are not at the end of the month and are entering the half way mark of 2016 already! I seriously want time to slow down and to enjoy every moment possible. 

We have had a lovely month together and hope to make more menories this year especially with half term starting on Monday and not long till the summer holidays either.


Nicola... Life Through My Eyes


  1. How scary is it that we're halfway through 2016!!! I love that you want to slow down and savour the good moments, I'm totally feeling that too x

  2. I cant believe how fast this year is going!
    Lovely photos by the way.

  3. I'm already starting to fantasise about Christmas. This year is zooming past.

  4. This year is flying by, I suppose it shows how active we are that the days just pass us with all our mini adventures.
    My little lad would have loved the cars at the show, shame it wasn't what you anticipated.

  5. Ah what a lovely post, so glad you've had a good month. We love messy play too, need to do more with Elsie now she's a little older too xx

  6. Sounds like you have had a busy and fun month! Time certainly seems to be flying by past!! Can't believe it is almost June!

  7. The camping and car show sounds a lot of fun, and it is nice that Lilly enjoyed it so much. Great to have a hobby you can share together.
    June can not possibly be approaching this quickly

  8. I did actually mention Christmas yesterday. Glad that you still enjoyed the car show even though it wasn't what you expected.

  9. Aw we visited Hastings last year, I'm so glad the pier has been rebuilt! Time is flying, I want it to slow down too! xx

  10. You sound like you've had a fun month. Lovely pictures of you both. Thanks for linking up #mummyandme x


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