Lilly's 3 year update

I have just realized that I never wrote a post about Lilly pops at 3. I still really cannot believe that she has been in our life three years.

Lilly still loves her food and certainly isn't fussy like her Daddy. For breakfast she usually has cereal but does like toast and porridge too. For lunch she will usually have a sandwich of some sort and some fruit to go with it, then for dinner she'll pretty much eat anything, her favourite is pasta and cheese. Lilly loves her vegetables and fruit and also loves sweeties to (but what child doesn't)

She talks so much telling us about her day and about her friends from nursery. She asks questions about everything and says 'No' a lot. She can count from 1-19 and them gets confused.
Lilly also loves to sing nursery rhymes and theme songs and also attempts to song the alphabet.

Lilly is now in size 3-4 as she seems to have grown so much in the last few months, especially in height. He shoe size is a 6. Lilly finally has some hair so I can do her hair in different styles.

As you may well know Lilly started nursery a few weeks back which she has been loving. She has made so many friends and does so many pictures for me. I am so proud of her.

Lilly still sometimes wakes in the night and when she does it's usually at least three times but she is finally learning that she can go toilet on her own and only has one drink per night now as she was waking so many times at one point for drinks and toilet 

I am so proud of her and am ready happy of how she is getting on with everything.



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