Birth and having a Newborn • So unprepared

This is a rather different post to what I normally write but I feel like I have to. 

Looking back on my pregnancy and the first few months of having Lilly I was so naive. I really didn't know what I was doing and what I had to come.

I was very lucky with my pregnancy on how it went. I never thought about how much my body would change or anything, I never brought a maternity item or any special creams for stretch marks so I ended up living in jogging bottoms or jeans held together with a hairtie. 

The one thing that I did use was pretty natal vitamins from the very start. 

Going into the final few week I packed my hospital bag which was almost OK as had watched a few YouTube video. I made sure that I had plenty of bits for Lilly and even took some milk cartons in to.

I went into labor just as I wanted to, with my waters breaking and got very excited but ended up being sick for about an hour after they broke, I then went into panic mode which in the end got me to make the awful choice to have an epidural (Which I completely regret now).

Breast feeding didn't go fully to plan either, I ended up feeding for just two weeks that way as it just didn't seem enough to make Lilly full so ended up bottle feeding from then on.

The first few weeks after having her were a blur, they just seemed to merge into one. I became a recluse, I stayed indoors a lot and just let life pass us by. 

Looking back I would have done so many things differently. I was such a naive young woman who was so unprepared 

My other half and my mum where my rock during the whole time.

I would certainly do a lot of things different and be a lot more prepared and not so panicy. 



  1. I would change so much if I could go back and do my births again, but I guess it is important to remember that our babies are here, are safe and well and loved.

    1. Definitely. I have a beautiful girl who is the light of my life x

  2. Nothing can prepare you for having a baby, my Ava is 3, she'll be 4 in March and I remember feeling like I'd been hit by a train after she was born. It used to be just me & my bump, I was still me, still able to do what I wanted but suddenly I had this little person totally dependant on me and my sole responsibility It's a huge shock, please don't beat yourself up about it, I only managed to breastfeed Ava for 3 weeks before having terrible mastitis. The most important thing is that your girl is happy & well xx

    1. Thank you. I think there is so much pressure to get everything right these days. At least I know a lot of things to do different if we decide to have another baby x

  3. There really is no way of preparing. I think women should be encouraged to find out about the support services available post birth as a lot of issues could be resolved if mums could see the right people at the right times.

    1. Definitely, there should be more support, I found that because Lilly was born on a Friday night that there was less staff on at the weekend :/

  4. Nothing can ever prepare you for having a baby and especially the birth. People can tell you about their experiences but no one will ever be able to get across how hard it actually is. Don't forget your hormones would have been all over the place too playing havoc with your emotions. I don't think anyone will ever be fully prepared or organised. There's always something that won't go to plan. I'm due baby number 2 in 3 weeks and I am not prepared in the slightest. xx

    1. There is just so much I would do differently but I spose all these thought made that time unique to me. Good luck with the new bubba :) xx

  5. It's such a learning curve with your first child, I don't think any of us actually knew what to expect! Abbie was a very cuddly baby and had to be rocked to sleep for naps and at bedtime, I would be stood up rocking her for 6 hours a day sometimes, it was exhausting, but it does get easier as you learn what to do. All babies are different and I think once you've done it once, the second time is easier, different, but easier :) xx

    1. It is such a learning curve, such a crazy time in my life that I feel like was so long ago.

  6. I'd change my birth both times as both were emcs. I wish I'd trusted myself knowing a second induction wasn't right and going for a straight elective. Still hindsight is a wonderful thing and the boys got here safely xx

    1. I wish I'd followed my instinct with my body not my head.

  7. I feel the exact same way about the newborn stage of both of my babies. Less so with my second as I had learnt from my first, but it still went by in a blur and I became a bit of a recluse. I found it all very stressful, I was very naive I think.

    1. That's exactly how i feel, very naive but I suppose you learn from these times xx

  8. I was also really unprepared for a few things. Labor and delivery went really well, but I was definitely unprepared for breastfeeding and the loneliness of being home with a newborn. If you want to read my daughter's birth story, it's here:

  9. I was also really unprepared for a few things. Labor and delivery went really well, but I was definitely unprepared for breastfeeding and the loneliness of being home with a newborn. If you want to read my daughter's birth story, it's here:

  10. Nice honest post, we are all young and naive at some points in our live but it shapes our story :) x

    1. Thank you. I don't think Lilly would be who she is if it were different. Xx

  11. Nothing can really prepare you for being a parent I don't thing, and there were a few things that I just went along with when I had my first, but by the time my second was born I was ready to fight for what I wanted, I was prepared for the bits I knew would be hard and it was much smoother.

    1. Thank you. I definitely can take my experience with me and learn from it. Xx


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