My Week in Pictures | 23rd - 30th August

Hello, another post of my week in pictures and I start off which looks like it should be winter.

The weather had been crazy this summer and on this particular day it was cold and raining so we opted for a cosy warm coat that my aren't brought her. She looks so grown up in it though.

The next picture makes her look even more grown up in the bath robe, cleaning her teeth.

A couple of months back I wrote a post about the Aquafresh Brush time app which she has been using daily and absolutely loves it.

My little girl is so talented, she created this 'frog' out of play doh all by herself. I was folding washing and she said look at my frog mummy. I was so surprised I actually welled up. 

Today she has done the same thing by making a bird out of duplo all by herself, very proud mummy and daddy today.

We were serving for munch in Sainsbury's the other day and came across an area full of American bit such as the strange M&M's, reeces bars and hershey's bars too. These sounded pretty good so my other half chucked them onto the trolley for us to try.

The cookies'n'creme on is amazing, a winner with the both of us.

Lastly yesterday when out and about we came across a 15 plate combine harvester taking up so much road and going at just 35mph. But it was pretty cool to be following such a huge vehicle making the cars on the other side scatter pretty much as most were ignoring the wide load car in front. 

We have had a pretty good week and I feel like it has been a happy week for me, getting to grips with everything that has been thrown at me.

I hope you like these posts as much as I like documenting my memories.



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