Lydden Hill | King of Drift

To finish our busy weekend we went off to Lydden Hill race track to watch King of Europe drift. It was incredibly hot but we still had a fantastic day and not a but of sunburn in sight. 

It was an early start with us getting up and 5am to gat awake and ready and waking Lilly up a 5:45 to get her ready to go. We left a about 6am and got a couple of bits from the shop to wake us up. 

The night before (after the carnival) I cooked loads of snack bits to take with us such as pizza, sausage rolls and chicken nuggets but they weren't very appealing at 6am lol.

We stopped at MacDonald’s jusy before we got to the race track for a bacon roll and a coffee, Lilly had porridge.

We got there very early so we sat in the car for a while and then took a trip around the pits to look at all the cars competing, This is one of the best things about Lydden Hill is that is usually an open pit.

Lilly got to sit in a drift car which had pink wheels and a pink roll cage, sadly we didn't get a picture of the whole car but Lilly was very lucky to be allowed to. Liam watched her like a hawk.

This is one of my favourite cars, maybe because it's pink lol. But It just looked so good.

The weather just got hotter as the day went on, so Lilly sat in the big fishing chair with a jumper around the fence to block some of the sun out, we did end up resorting to sitting in the car a lot with the windows open so we could keep the sun off us but still see the racing.

The only real good shot I got of the drifting, we were watching more then photographing but we had a fantastic day and Lilly loved it too.

We hope to go back later this month for the BDC which is the British Drift Championship.



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