Me and Mine | October 2016

This is my first time linking up to this and am super excited to, I love capturing memories and smiles within a photo.

Liam has been loving:
- His programme Fast n Load being back on
- Playing farm simulator
- Getting his Mondeo back on the road
- Selling his old car (bitter sweet)

Viki has been loving:
- Girl online, on tour
- My new laptop
- Baking treats with Lilly
- Having some lovely family days in half term

Lilly has been loving:
- Her new glasses
- The Halloween chocolates
- Watching random toys videos on YouTube
- Baking sweet treats with Mummy


The Me and Mine Project


  1. y daughter is always watching random toy videos on youtube. she also loves all those unboxing vids

  2. oh this is a lovely post. It's go great to record what ur kids love. They will be able to look back on it in the future and you and see how they have changed.


  3. Aww this is such a lovely post. Great for you to look back on. It's funny the things children watch isn't it! My little girl watches people play with Play Doh! Haha

  4. What a lovely idea for a post, I should give it a try soon. Lovely family picture

  5. I love little posts like this! So simple yet so wonderful! It's always lovely to hear about the things people have been loving :D

  6. Fantastic record of your little one likes dislikes and progress. R

  7. Such a lovely post, I'm sure their loves will change very quickly x

  8. even my son loves watching random toy videos on youtube haha! its bizarre! but he learns so many new words from that! things that i wouldn't even think of teaching him lol!
    Love your little progress! xx

  9. Always great to catch the family selfies they are the fun ones. #meandmineproject


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