Homemade mincemeat • Recipe and Method

I know that it is still only October BUT this takes a while to rest and you can't be too prepared for Christmas.

This is a simple mincemeat recipe that has been passed down to me and I wanted to share it to you all. The recipe should make about 5-6kg's of mincemeat which can last a few years in jars, it only gets better with age.


2kgs of Apples
1kg of Currents
750g of Sultanas
750g of Suet
750g of Caster Sugar
Rind and Juice of a Lemon
2 tsps of Mixed Spice
2 tsps of Nutmeg
Approx 150ml of either Rum, Sherry or Brandy


1. Peel, core and slice all the apples.
2. Mince the apples with the sultanas (meat mincers work fine).
3. Add all the other ingredients and mix together well. 
4. Separate into jars and lid them (sticker year onto them)
5. Leave at least 3 weeks to stand before using.

It is that simple. Please let me know if you use this recipe, I would love to know.


  1. mmmm this sounds amazing, always pays to be prepared and start prepping nice and early.

  2. This one sounds really interesting. I've never heard of such a recipe. How does it look at the final result?

    1. This is mainly for mince pies. I have a couple of pictures on my instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/iRrZZwN02z/

  3. Too right you can never be too prepared. I'm actually not a huge fan of mincemeat like this (or mince pies), oops x

  4. I'm not the biggest mincemeat fan (mince pies don't go on my shopping list) but I'd be interested in trying this out as it looks quite fine grained. It's the texture that I'm not keen on

  5. This looks really nice, and like it would be simple to do!

  6. I've never had this before, I didn't even know what it was until now. But I learned something new and I will try it out one of the next weeks!

  7. I've never made my own mince meat before but it actually sounds pretty simple to do! I may give this a go, thank you for sharing x

  8. This looks incredibly delicious ! I might cook it even now!


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