Our new camera

Last month we took the leap and brought our new camera. We went for the Samsung WB1100F 16.2 megapixal bridge camera with 35x zoom.

So far we have been suprisingly pleased with it. We have taken a couple of ventures out just to try out the camera. 

You can connect this camera to your phone via an app which is unbelievably simple to use, which means you can share you photos instantly. 

It also has photo editing built in. I personally have not tried it but my other half said it was pretty easy to use what it had there. 

It also has a burst shot feature which we have not tried yet but will hopefully do soon.

These are a few shots we have captured so far.

A beautiful, very foggy sunset. Theres usually buildings there. Lol

An artistic shot of mine when we first got the camera.

This picture is taken pretty much at full zoom from a good 1/2 mile away. I seriously cannot believe how clear this picture is. 

I have fallen in love with it and cannot wait to keep snapping away and trying my hand at better photography. 



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