Tales of motherhood

Don't ever take motherhood for granted.
Don't let any memory pass you by.
Take every opportunity to smile with your child.
Play, make mess, take photos, laugh! 

I will always miss the struggle of opening your eyes, or the stretching of those tiny fingers.
I will miss the sleepy smiles and the first chuckles of play.
I will miss your speedy walker and your commando crawl.

I will remember your grasp on my finger.
I will remember your first taste of food.
I will remember your first step alone.

I will always remember the 4am feed, the TV programs that melt into one. From casino to house doctor to animal SOS. 

Where did my baby go? 
Where has this little girl come from? 

Cherish your child.
Never take for granted.
Enjoy there childhood, they only get one.
Love beyond words, and share it with them.



  1. They grow up fast, my son is 20 now and I still remember when he was born.

  2. I could of wrote this word for word about my sons. Far too fast is has past x

  3. Awh this is such a lovely post, definitely cherish every moment. They grow up so quickly! xo

  4. I don't have children yet but this touched my heart. Your kids are so cute. Hug them tight!

  5. This made me cry, so true never take for granted all the little stages because before you know it they will grow up before your eyes x

  6. Aww this story is so teary. I am not a mum but I love your words as for me it's the same with my beloved ones.

  7. Aw this is so beautiful and just so true, even though I am not a mum x

  8. They really do grow so fast, but our memories are so precious and they are always our babies.

  9. Awww Jesus truly beautiful and nicely said. I don't have kids yet but all my friends say they grow up so fast it's like you blink and you have a toddler


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