Gelli Baff and others Review

We were lucky enough to have been sent some very fun items for Lil's to review, the Zimpli Kids Gelli Baff, Slime Baff and Snoball Play. These are all a bit of messy play which Lilly absoloutly loves. 

The products themselves are a very reasonable price with prices as low as £2.50 for the smaller boxes and £3 for the Gelli Baff itself. 

Gelli Baff review

Not long after the Christmas holidays started I put an afternoon aside for Lilly to have a Gelli Baff, I did this before her actually shower night so she could wash off after.

This product is skin safe, which is perfect for Lilly with her excema, which didn't even attempt to flare, it is also environmentally safe too and is also a UK made product.

When making it up you just follow the easy instructions, just 4 cms of water will create a lot of the gelli goo, it is also scented with my other half commenting how it smelt like Jelly. Please take care when you child gets into the bath as it can be slippery. 

Once we got Lilly in the bath she was away with burying herself and trying to pile it up which was fun watching it slide back to her. The texture of the product is a warm snow feeling and lil's just loved squeezing it between her fingers.

Once you are down with the product it is so easy to get rid of, you just use the dissolover sachet, just sprinkle the dissolver the product just melts away into a water which goes down the drain just like water. Lilly spent a good 30 minutes in the bath before it got a little to cold for her. 

I would really recommend this product for messy play and sensory play.

Lilly's review 100/10
My review 10/10

SnoBall Play review

We sadly never get a white Christmas down in Hastings but I thought for Christmas eve I would bring the snow to Lilly with Zimpli Kids SnoBall Play. I actually put this in Lilly's Christmas eve basket to make the day more enjoyable and have something to pass the time.

This is so easy to make up, you just add water and get a bit messy mixing it with your hands. It literally took about a minute to prepare before Lilly could get her hands into it. The product is also 100% skin safe, non toxic and is also environmentally safe too.

We loved the way you could actually build with it and the snow balls actually held there shape until squished or thrown into the bowl. She also ended up making a snow mountain and attempted snowmen too.

The product actually lasted really well as well with Lilly getting about an hours play out of it before she had had enough. The product is so easy to clean up, just sweep it up and throw it away. 

We would highly recommend this product and may become a winter tradition in this house.

Lilly's review - 100/10
My review 10/10

Slime Baff review

This is literally any slime lovers dream, a whole bath fully of sticky slimy mess. This was again so simple to make with the same instructions as the Gelli Baff, but personally we needed more to make it thicker (which we found out near the end). 

Again this product is skin safe, environmentally friendly and I don't know whether I have mentioned that it is made in the UK! This one is the more slippery of products, so please watch your little ones at all times.

This looks and feels like a wizard has made a weird potion, it kind of sticks to the skin and makes a slime curtain when you lifted it out of the water. We ended up playing with the slime for a good 20 minutes before adding water to dilute it for the drain, but it did the opposite and seemed to get thicker and a lot more gooey, so I let Lil's have a little bit longer.

Lilly was in her element, slipping herself around the bath and making bubbles by throwing it over her legs, it does make a hell of a noise though. 

The only issue we had is that it was the longest to dispose of as it seemed to take a long time to dilute, but will remember that for next time.

We would highly recommend, especially for those slime lovers out there, it was so cool.

Lilly's review - 100/10
My review 8/10 (due to how long it took to get rid of)

# Kindly gifted these items to feature in this post.


  1. these look so fun, and they get a great score from your daughter. Will have to try them with my two :)

  2. These look like such a lot of fun! We are big fans of Zimpli products!

  3. It looks like your daughter had a great time reviewing these products!

  4. We received some Gelli Baff before christmas. Little J loved it.

  5. Gelli baff is so much fun - my 5yr old loves it!

  6. Luke loves this stuff. Gelli Baff is definitely our favourite!

  7. My kids would love this - it might even get the youngest in the bath for once!!

  8. I actually remember the TV advert for this years ago - I'm not surpised it's still around today! Must have been a successful product. I'm glad they enjoyed it, looks like fun haha. Even as an adult I want it! xx

  9. My niece loves messy play, so I think these would be right up her street - they look like so much fun! x


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