Cheese and Potato Bake | Recipe and Method

Today I am sharing a lovely family meal which we all seem to enjoy in this house, it is also pretty simple to make and goes great with quite a few things.

We personally serve this with gammon but it goes well with sausages and grill steaks. Me and Lils usually have sweetcorn or broccoli too. 


115g Grated Cheese
1 egg
30g Butter
150ml Double Cream
675g Medium/Large potatoes
1 large onion
Salt and pepper

How to

1. Preheat oven to 180°c/Gas Mark 4. 
2. Peel potatoes and slice thinly. 
3. Slice onions and soften in butter. 
4. Grease a baking dish or we use a loaf tin. 
5. Place a layer of potato slices as a base, then add salt and pepper.
6. Next add some of the onions and some of the grated cheese. Save some cheese for the top. 
7. Repeat until most/all the potatoes are used. 
8. Beat your egg into the cream then pour over the potato layers. 
9. Sprinkle with cheese and cook for 1 hour and a half. If it starts to brown quickly cover the top with foil. 
10. Serve and enjoy. 

We really enjoy this and Lils enjoys making it with me too. If you makes this I would absolutely love to know, especially what you enjoyed it with. 

Thank you. 

Victoria. X


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