Yummy Chocolate Cupcakes | Recipe

These cupcakes are so delicious and simple to make, you only need a few ingredients and take 30 minutes. to make and cook. This mixture made 16 - 20 cupcakes.


Eggs - 3 Medium Eggs
Marge  - Weight of Eggs in oz
Sugar  - Weight of Eggs in oz
Flour - Weight of eggs minus 2oz
Drinking Chocolate - 2oz to make up the flour


1. Preheat your oven to 180oC / Gas mark 5
2. Cream the sugar and marge together until it resembles whipped cream.
3. Add 1 egg at a time, if starts to curdle add a small amount of the flour.
4. Once all eggs are mixed in slowly sift in the flour and drinking chocolate and slowly mix.
5. Separate your mixture into cupcake cases evenly and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes, until springy to touch.

These taste amazing when still warm and when are cooled, they are so easy to make that Lilly pretty much does them herself, they are a great quick bake for a weekend task.


  1. I haven't baked cakes in so long! definitely need to give these a go x

  2. These look yummy! I love chocolate cupcakes. My boys ask me to make them a lot! Xxx

  3. These look delicious! It was rather silly of me to read this before lunch before now I am super hungry! I hope they tasted as good as they look

  4. We love baking. My children mainly lick the bowl and spoons whilst I do all the work though!

  5. I love baking, I seem to be making a lot of devils food chocolate cake and red velvet at the moment.

  6. I really must do some baking with Pickle. These look great, and very tasty! Kaz

  7. These are delicious! Pinning this so I can bake them with my tweens.

  8. Ooh these look delicious and so simple to make, perfect for rainy days, thank you

  9. Now these do look very good. I shall have to make some myself


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