Autumn / Halloween crafts

We are sadly almost at the end of the school holidays but I have been doing a few crafts with Lilly all aimed at Halloween and Autumn and I wanted to share them with you as they may keep your little ones happy for a while.                      

Decorated Pumpkin


 This is such a simple thing and so inexpensive too. We picked up one of the small pumpkins from Asda for just 50p, they are a little to small to carve but perfect for making sparkly and cool.

You will need:
- 1 × Small pumpkin
- Glitter / paint / stickers
This year we have some glitter stickers as we can't seem to find any normal glitter anywhere local. I let Lilley do her thing and she craed this really cool face out if the shapes that we had.

You could decorate your pumpkin in anyway you wanted.

Leaf Bunting

Another simple and inexpensive craft for you. This is more of an Autumnal craft but still looks so nice. 

You will need:
- A mixture of dry leaves
- Glitter
- Paint
- Glue
- Sequins
- Thread

We decorated every leaf differently using glitter glue, autumnal coloured paint and sequine. Once dry thread the leaves on some fine thread and hang where you want them to be.

Paper Jack-o-Lantern

We got a box from Toucan box specified around Halloween. This box comes with everything that you need to create that months craft. You can recreate this at home with your own bit's

You will need:
- Orange card A4
- Orange tissue paper A4
- Glue
- Green and black foam or card
- pipe cleaner

1. Fold the orange card in half width ways and cut even strips about 2cms apart and stop about 2cms from the top.
2. 1Unfold and stick the tissue to the inside of the card.
3. Bend the card round into a cylindrical shape with the uncut pieces at the top and bottom.
4. Add the foam or card for leaf details at top and bottom and a pumpkin face
5. Add the pipe cleaner at the top of extra detail and you could also hand a glowstick to add the candle effect.

I hope this hass given you some inspiration for some crafts for over the weekend.


  1. I decorated a a pumpkin at the weekend with my niece and nephew and they loved it! x

  2. My littles and I are having so much fun decorating and crafting for fall and for Halloween. Your Paper Jack-o-lantern is so cute!

  3. Aww these are such fun ideas! My little ones would love these, especially the paper pumpkins

  4. The idea of making a paper jack-o-lantern with my daughter sounds amazing!

  5. I love crafting with my neice and I am always looking for new ideas, Your crafts look really great.

  6. I'd never thought (oddly) of decorating a pumpkin without carving it - so much easier!


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