Mummy + Me | September 2017

Picture taken on Autumn walk 30/9/17

Wow! Another month gone. This has been a crazy one with Birthdays and Lilly starting her adventure at 'Big' school. It seems such a long time ago already and she has only been there two weeks.

Both me and Lilly are officially a year older, I'm a year closer to 30 which is pretty scary, and I am now a mum to a 5 year old which is just insane. She makes me so proud and we had two lovely says celebrating. 

Lilly has been doing absolutely amazing at school, she has been reading a few small words and writing so much, she just wants to learn and get everything right. I miss her so much and have no idea what to do with myself most of the time. I have just been pottering around our flat and decluttering.

It has been another quite hard month with Mum not being here though as it was the first official celebrations since she passed away. It also got to me when decluttering Lils clothes that all the things that Mum saw Lils in is changing, since she went its was the glasses first, then her school uniform and now we are going into a different age of clothes they are changing too. I overthink these things which isn't the best thing to do.


  1. Sorry to hear about your Mum - it must be so hard to have these milestones without her there. Lilly sounds like she's doing brilliantly at school though! x


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