Things to do in the summer holidays

Summer holidays can seem quite daunting even when you little one is only at nursery, we have an extra two week to before Lilly and her school go back. Eight weeks can be a long time to keep a child entertained so I wanted to share a few things that we have planned for the next few weeks.

Summer Reading Challenge

We are taking part in the summer reading challenge which is linked to the library, this is for children aged 4-11 to encourage them to read. over the holidays they ask you/your child to read 6 or more books from the library and earn stickers along the way to solve the case with the Animal Agents. We were given this leaflet at her last visit which has 3 scenes inside, every trip you get a new sticker to help solve the case, some of the stickers are scented too to make it more fun for the children.

We have read two books so far and will be going every Saturday to our local library to change books out and receive her stickers. Our local library also has a dog trainer going in with her dog in the middle of August to do with the reading challenge so will be taking her to that too.

Pets and Home, Small Summer Furries, Summer Activity club

This idea came from Lilly, she saw an advert on telly and told us about it. This is a half an hour session where you can learn about animals and say hello to them, there are two different sessions, one for furry animals and one for the fishys. You have to book in advance as there are limited spaces.

We are going to be attending a furry session as Lil's loves bunnies, guinea pigs and gerbils. There will be a range of puzzles and games as well as having a chance to hold one of the pets available. I was so happy to be able to set this up for Lilly as I know that it's right up her street.

Local Free Events

Our town has a local free events in our park, this happens every during the first two weeks of the summer holidays.This event has things for all different activities for all different ages, from a mud kitchen to circus training. 

Last year we went and even though it was raining we had a great couple of hours and came home with some crafts too. This year I am hoping to attend both sessions with my Dad too. 

Magazines, paint, play doh, play parks, swimming

There are the things that can be done anyway but we always seem to do more over the holidays and that is crafts, days outs, indoor picnics, swimming, baking and general messy play. We have a few magazines left from visits to Nanny's and shopping that Lilly loves to do and also help her learn too. we also have a huge amount of poster paints, crayons and play doh in to keep her going on the more relaxing days.

Lastly we have a couple of camping trips planned so look out for them on my YouTube channel.

I hope that this has given you a few ideas that will come in useful over the next few weeks. 


  1. We are doing the summer reading challenge too, it's such a great idea!

  2. These all sound like such fun - especially the animal petting!

  3. These are great ideas, love the reading challenge idea!

  4. There's so many good local free events, I know in my town centre we have a beach set up with a free outdoor cinema which is pretty cool x

  5. I loved doing the reading challenge every summer as a kid and loved getting the stickers to fill my card. We also loved activities at our local community centre! x

  6. Some great ideas of things to do this summer - the reading challenge has been around for years and always seems like such a popular choice!

  7. The reading challenge is a great idea and a great way to encourage reading too. I always love attending local events in the summer - our local castle holds some lovely events.

  8. I like the idea of a reading challenge especially as you can make it fun and educational x

  9. Really love these ideas especially the reading challenge- my 4 year old son looks forward to it everyday now


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