Your last day of nursery ever


    Today was your last ever day at nursery, how can this be? You have been there two years, had four incredible key workers over that time and have been a real super star by taking everything in your stride. You have grown so much in more ways than one, you can write so many letters and are starting to try and read, which makes me swell with pride.

    The day you started, the day after your 3rd birthday was so scary for me, for the letting go of the child I have never been apart from. You did amazing from the start, not even a turn back after a week, ever since you have got more confident by the day and are so ready to start your new adventure.

   I now have 8 weeks to make memories with you until you start in reception, until you are away from me for a whole 6 hours a day. It seems such a long time and I still have no idea what I am going to do with myself. I am so excited to hear all your stories of what you have made or what you have managed to write. I can't wait for the silly little tales about your friends and what mischief you get into.

   I just want you to know that me and your Daddy are so proud of you and what you have achieved  during your time at nursery and I am so grateful to all the teachers that have helped you grow into the polite, kind little girl you are. I am also so proud how you have dealt with the past few months and how strong you have made me.

   We love you very much

      Mummy and Daddy


  1. What a precious day. One you will never forget. I hope you all have a wonderful summer.

  2. Ahh so lovely. My daughter left pre school yesterday and I was so emotional!!

  3. Time flies so quickly, can't just keep holding it tightly. I used to wait for my son to grow older but have now realised that we must cherish every moment.

  4. Such a lovely milestone. My son finished at Infant School today so I know how you feel.

  5. Time goes by so fast doesnt it! So lovely how good your little girlie got on at nursery, it's such a big milestone transitioning to school though isnt it. xxx

  6. Time really does fly when you have children. My older son is almost 18 and is seems a fleeting moment ago that he was a pre-school boy.

  7. Ahhh it's so exciting, enjoy the summer and hope she settles in well x

  8. Very sweet, my daughter has left nursery this year too. Makes you well up!

  9. What a lovely way to celebrate Lily's time in nursery and look forward to her new adventures in reception! It's going to be amazing!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Leigh at Fashion Du Jour LDN x


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