Mummy + Me July 2017

So today marks the last day of July, This month seems to have been the slowest so far but its nice as I have spent some quality time with our girl over the last week and a half. We're in full swing of the summer holidays now and have already had a lovely few days down the park and enjoying the concoctions of weather.

I have been struggling a bit with my emotions over the past couple of weeks but have a huge support network around me. I have just been missing mum a lot and can't quite explain to some people how I feel as I don't really know myself. 

We have a lot planned for next month, we have camping trips, a carnival and a special trip to pets at home coming up. I want to enjoy these next 7 weeks with her as when she start school in September I know she is going to grow and change so much while she is at school. 

How has your month been and what have you got planned for the next few weeks?


  1. The summer holidays are so lovely for kicking back and relaxing, aren't they?

  2. Sorry to hear you've struggled with your emotions but it's good you have a support network. Have fun on the camping trip it sounds great x

  3. Camping and a carnival sound like great ideas for August! Hopefully it'll help this month to be better than July...

  4. Where did July go? I hope you have good weather for your camping trips. Kaz x

  5. July has gone by SO FAST! Lovely photo, you two look very alike! xx

  6. Hope you have an amazing august and have a good camping trip! July went by so quickly didn't it

  7. Camping is so much fun. It is an activity most kids enjoy. Have a great time. I can not believe that it is already August this is crazy.

  8. I can't believe how fast July went! Camping is great fun, have a great time :)

  9. We have loved the holidays too. Lovely picture and look at that sunshine behind you! Thank you for joining in with #mummyandme x

    1. Shame that there going so fast really. Thank you for having a great Link Up x


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