Quirky Lilly #1

I want to remember the quirky little girl that is growing and changing so quickly so am starting this series for that reason. She has such an amazing, caring personality and really does make my world a lot more adventurous and fun. She makes me laugh, gives the most amazing hugs, has such an incredible imagination and is so strong willed. I truely am blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. 

- Playing with mine or her own ears when tired -

- Saying Breakfuff instead of Breakfast -

- Saying mo lawn instead of lawn mower -

- Falling asleep in random places like against the bathroom and bedroom door frames stood up and once outside the living room door, and the kitchen -


  1. So cute, and what a nice way to document all the changes in her personality!

  2. Awww this is so sweet. My little ones to things like this.

  3. Hey hun, I think this is a real sweet piece thanks for sharing :) x

  4. I don't have kids but I think this is a great way to keep track of memories as your little girl grows. Btw quirky is great, nobody likes to be normal...

  5. Isn't it lovely to document a child's progress because if you blink you might miss it. I.e. like losing their lisp x

  6. This is so sweet - they change so very quickly and it is easy to forget the little things. Kaz x

  7. its great to documents a child's progress, time goes far to quick

  8. I love this, it is so true that kids are quirky and brilliant in the things that they say. My boy always referred to Man Vs Food as the Greedy man.

  9. This is so cute and I play with my ears when I am tired, something I have never grown out of x


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