Mummy + Me | March 2017

How are we at the end of March already? It has been another pretty hard month, sadly my Mum is still in hospital and it just seems to be going on for so long now.

The better things this month thought was Mother's Day and Liam's Birthday too. We had a pretty busy day as they both fell on the same day. I travelled to the hospital to see Mum while he went to spend some time with his family. We spent a lovely evening together with a couple of drinks and a few snuggles

Lilly seems to have grown and changed so much this month which is making me incredibly broody and wanting to expand our family. Her speech is amazing and she is starting to get a cute little sense of humour, I still can't quite believe she is now 4 1/2 already.


  1. Happy birthday to Liam! I hope your mum gets better soon...

  2. What a lovely photo. Hope your mum gets better soon!

  3. It's great that you are documenting these - lovely to look back on once the kids are older!

  4. Happy April! I really hope things look up for you this month! xxx

  5. Aww happy birthday and I hope April is a better month hun x

  6. Sorry to hear your mum has been ill. Hope she is out of hospital soon.

  7. I hope your mum is better and out of hospital soon. Kaz x

  8. Happy birthday to Liam. Really sorry to hear about your mum, I hope she gets better soon

  9. I hope your mum gets better soon. Lovely picture. Thank you for linking up with #mummyandme xx


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