Me and Mine | December 2016

Viki has been loving
- All out decorations, it makes our house so cosy
- Reading, I am currently reading the Christmasaurus
- Anything Harry Potter, since going to the studios back in Noember it's brought back my love for it.

Lilly has been loving
- Making Christmas treats with mummy
- Cbeebies Nutcracker, she has watched it so many times now I swear she knows all the words
- The Advent games on the Cbeebies website, she loves doing this every year.

Liam has been loving
- Our homemade mince pies, he has been gobbling them down
- Farming simulator still....he is seriously addicted
- Hogging the bed haha, I swear we need a bigger bed.

My blog went a little messed up for a while but I believe I have sorted it out and will be posting these on the date they were meant to appear on my blog. Happy New Year.

The Me and Mine Project


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