My Year in Pictures

I can't believe we are at the end of another year but I certainly am looking towards a fresh new page in 2017. We have not had the best year and we have also lost some amazingly talented celebrities too. But I want to share a few pictures that have made my year the best it could be.


Our little of snow that we had at the beginning of the year....It literally lasted half a day but we enjoyed it while it lasted


I completed my first (and only in the end) of my new years resolutions and passed my driving test. This was my second attempt and only got 5 minors.


March came Easter and Liam's 25th birthday, it was a pretty uneventful time but we did make some amazing nest cakes.


This month was the month that I finally had use of a car and wanted to us it. We took a few drives out and had some lovely days together.


We finally got some lovely weather and we took the chance to have a family BBQ for Lil's great Granddad's, we even got the paddling pool out. We also took our first trip away to the BHP show at Lydden Hill Race Track.


June brought the clouds back but that didn't stop us from enjoying some days out, the main one was Armed Forces Day, this year the event was organised by my Dad so it was brilliant to support him.


This was the last term for Lil's first year at nursery, it was quite eventful with a BBQ and the charity toddle waddle that Lilly participated in. she was a jelly fish which was I was quite proud of creating.


August was the busiest month with the local carnival, which my Dad took part in as a hippy and then we ended up going camping twice, at Rural past times and Festival of transport


The month where I turned 25 and Lilly, my baby girl turned 4! It is absolutely mad. We took a tip to Port Lympne Animal Reserve for her birthday. She also started a new year a nursery and I applied for her school place too.


The month when Lilly got her glasses, she looks so grown up. We also had a lovely family Halloween with sweets and Halloween Simpsons.


This was the month that I had been most excited about since August, my Mum told me she was going to get tickets for the Harry Potter studios and I chose to going during the Hogwarts in the Snow period. 


The last month of the year, the craziest and most stressful of the year which ends in an amazing week of family, food and festive cheer.

Happy New Year, I hope that 2017 brings the best to you!


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