We Will Remember

We will remember....

This time of year is so important to me, I not only pay my respect to the fallen and remember.

I will remember the stories of my Grandad fighting and being in a prisoner of war camp which to me is heartbreaking.

I will remember the photos and stories my Dad has shared with me from his time as a soldier.

I will remember the news stories from when I was younger with all the soldiers in Iraq and the terrifying scent shown.

Each and everyone one of them in my eyes is a hero, they deserve respect, remembrance and a huge thank you for what they have done.

So today, when the clock struck 11am I served two minutes silence in respect to each and every soldier from past present and future.


  1. We have an awful lot to be forever thankful for and it is a lesson we should always have with us x

  2. It is so important to remember those who fell whilst fighting for us x

  3. The people, who have sacrificed for us, give us a lot of inspiration. They remind us that we have to be thankful for our lives and loved ones.

  4. Always important to pay respect for those who were brave to fight, so many young men who didn't come home and those who did x

  5. my little boy attended his first memorial day service its such an important event, maybe now so more than ever. Lovely post k x

  6. It's so important to remember those who sacrificed themselves fighting for us. I'm ashamed I forgot to the the minute silence, but I have been thinking about this all week. I'm sorry to hear about your personal stories xxx

  7. Beautiful post, it's so important to remember.

  8. It's so important to remember. My Grandad fought, too. He's sadly no longer with us, but I always remember him, especially on memorial day.

  9. The two minutes silence is so important to remember for all those who have fought for our country, we definitely need to pay our respects each year. x


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