I can't play with this.....it's for boys

Lately Lilly has been coming out with the idea that she can't play with something because 'It's for boys' and this really gets to me.

She has always loved her toy cars and we have always let her play with them, it keeps her entertained for ages but lately she has been reluctant to play with them. We then asked her why this was and she told us that she didn't want to play with them as they are boys toys.....I was so shocked and upset for her to think that.

Another time she has mentioned this is after nursery one day. She had been playing with babies (as usual) and told me that one of the boys wanted to play with them too, she told me that she didn't think that he should of because he was a boy and dolls are for girls.

both times I have explained to her that she mustn't think like this, I hate gender prejudice and I didn't think that I would have to deal with explaining to her at such a young age (only 4). I will always let my daughter play with toys that she wishes and I will always explain to her that toys are not specific to a gender as in my eyes they need to learn to be who they want to be.

Am I wrong to do so?


  1. Gender prejudice is a pain but it does exist. Lots of parents are still fairly closed minded about toys and genders and that's kind of sad because kids should be able to play with whatever! I think you were right and letting her know she can play with any toy she wants and so can others is probably the best way to go about it. Maybe speaking to other parents if you get the chance (like if there's a mothers coffee morning or something) and seeing their views may be an idea to see how they think and what they teach their little ones?

  2. It is a nightmare that gender prejudice has ever existed and hasn't moved with the times. Some shops and brands could help with the negativity but choose not too, same with the beauty industry, most makeup brands are aimed at women and men also wear makeup x

  3. This is such a shame that she feels she can't play with cars as they're a gender specific toy. Whatever toy a child enjoys playing with should be what they play with x

  4. It's so horrible she can't play with the toys she wants, kids should be able to play with whatever they like. X

    1. I completely agree,I am devestated that she feels like this

  5. It's really sad. Do you think someone told her this? I'm buying my son a baby doll for Christmas! Toys are just toys!!

    1. I hope not but I don't see any other way she would have thought this x

  6. You're not wrong at all, I hate gender prejudice. My son plays with babies and dolls and I am quite happy for him to do so like you are with your daughter and cars. Do you think someone said something to her?

    1. Someone must of because I have never put a gender to a toy before and neither has my othet half.

  7. I wish people stopped looking at toys as a gendered thing and let kids play with whatever they want. I remember my kindergarten teachers always forced me to play with dolls (instead of reading) when we could choose a random activity, and I hate it.

  8. No you are absolutely right. Gender stereotyping with toys drives me mad!

  9. Kids play with anything, despite what gender it was aimed for, such a shame that labels get attached at suxh an early age.


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