Lilly's favourite books • Aged four

Me and Lilly have a few minute's together every night to read a bedtime tale and every night I get her to pick her book. As she seems to pick some of the same ones often I wanted to share her favourite books with you.

Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

We both love anything to do with the authors/illustrators of the book but Monkey Puzzle seems to be the one she turns to at the moment.

Monkey Puzzle is a story about a lost monkey and a butterfly who is trying to help. It is a rhyming story which helps children learn about animals through size, colour and characteristics.

The Dinosaur that pooped a lot by Dougie Poynter and Tom Fletcher

This is one of my favourites too, the story was part of last year's 'World Book Day' so was only £1 when we got it. 

The story is about a boy and his dinosaur travelling through time and space but unsure how to get home, we find out how at the end. The story obviously contains the word Poo and pretty much every chold seems to find this word funny. Again this story is one that Rhymes.

Olaf fun file

We couldn't forget her Frozen book, as you may well know Lilly is obsessed with Frozen and she loves all the books that we have to do with the brand, but I think this one is her favourite.

This story tells of Olaf enjoying a HOT summers day. At the end of the story there is a little fact file which you can fill put together. It asks about favourite things, has a couple of games and some facts from the franchise.

These three books I basically know off by heart but I absolutely love story time every night snuggles up together.



  1. Fab picks, Lilly! I cannot wait until my nephew is old enough to read, there's so many books I'd love to get him, especially the Tom Fletcher ones. Will you be getting his latest one - the Christmasaurus?

    1. I certainly will.....I can't wait to get my hands on it for us x

  2. Aww all of these books sound fab. Bedtime snuggles and stories are the best xx

  3. The books sound really good especially the poo one which I am sure my girls would love too x

  4. I had no idea Tom Flecther even wrote books, I think that's pretty cool :D

  5. Need to get more books for my kids. Will check these out.

  6. I keep looking at buying Monkey Puzzle for Oscar and after reading this I'm definitely going to get it next time I see it in store! :)

  7. This is so exciting to read books with your little one :)

  8. All these books sound amazing, I'm sure I would have enjoyed the one with the monkey as a kid too!

  9. what a lovely way to finish each day. Great books - good choices Lilly!


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