Space themed crafts

Last week on Cbeebies was my little girls favourite theme to learn about, Space week. She absoloutly loves 'Stargazing' and has learnt a lot from it. She has also enjoyed learning about Tim Peake and where he is at the moment.

To coincide with space week I thought that we could do a couple of crafts to do with space. 

The first craft we did were shining stars, these were Lilly's idea so that Time Peake could see her from his 'space home'. These are so simple to do.

You will need:
- paper cut into start
- glue
- glitter/glitter pens
- sequins
- other decotating bits ie. Sweet wrappers, wrapping paper, foam

This is so easy to do with your little one, I just put the glue on for her as there wasn't a lot left and let her have full rein of creativity. I love the way she made them both different. One has glitter glue pens on and the other has proper glitter.

The second craft we did was a space helmet. This again is very simple to do.

You will need:
- A small box
- Foil
- Glue
- Foam
- Pen
- Pipe cleaners
- Decorations

You will first need to cover the box woth foil and secure. As this was a second idea for the box I didn't cut a face into it but used foam insread, I also made a little gage for her and a name badge for the side. I put these on for her and let her do the rest. She used glitter all over the front with other bits too and with some pipe cleaners we made so antennas. She was super excited with this and walked around pretneding to be a astronaut for ages. 

I hope these have given you some cool ideas if you have a little space lover out there, and thank you Cbeebies for teaching my girl about such a cool topic.



  1. these re great ideas. I need to be more enthusiastic about crafts with my kids! ;)

  2. awww these are so great! I used to love crafts as a kid :)

  3. What a great crafty idea. And I'm sure your daughters got far more pleasure playing with their homemade space homes, than they would something bought from a toy store. Tx

  4. What a lovely craft idea! My kids are really into space at the moment too.

  5. That space helmet looks amazeballs! My eldest is obsessed with rockets, space and planets so this is something i'll definitely be making with him! xx

  6. Space themed AND crafts? These are like two of my favourite things! Great way to educate your children x

  7. We are big space fans in our house so this looks right up our street. We'll have to try it x

  8. Love this! I don't think lamb knows anything about space yet so this could be a great way to get him talking about it x

  9. What a lovely idea. I always admire people that are able to come up with crafts.

  10. Ah a great craft for little ones, kids love space themes. No matter what age they are

  11. These look like so much fun to do with the kids.


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