Abnormal cells • Smear test • My treatment

Following in from my The importance of a smear test I wanted to share what happened next. I believe this is also as inportant as the first part and the more unknown.

I recieved a letter about two weeks after my smear saying that I had borderline cell changes and that I would be booked in for a colposcopy. This was horrible, the worst kept going through my mind, the C word. 

I then waited a further week for an appointment for the clinic which was 3 weeks wait again, this also made me a little more nervous. 

Well today I arrived at the clinic full of butterflies. My name was called and I went into the room. At first a nurse went through what she was going to do and asked a few questions, I was then asked to get ready. 

The colposcopy was a little uncomfortable, just like the smear and was a little longer. She then gave me the news that everything looks clear but would take a biopsy to confirm her investigation, this was the worst bit, it felt like a strong period pain but very low. There were two other nurses in there who just spoke to me to keep me calm.

I have come out with a little pain but my mind at ease. I just have to wait for the biopsy results and then I will probably be asked to go back jn a year to keep an eye on everything. 

I am so relieved this part is over and wish I had not.built it up to be so bad in my head. But its the unknown and not often talked about. We need to be educated more on this.



  1. Glad everything looks clear but it must have been a scary time for you. It's great to be raising awareness of it.

    1. It was, especially when I got the first letter. Thank you x

  2. I am so glad it all looks clear. I have had 2 colposcopys after abnormal smear tests. Having a smear is so important!

    1. It definetly is, I don't know why people put it off x

  3. Smear tests are so important, i just wish the government/NHS would would take notice and conduct them for women from 18 as opposed to 25. xx

    1. So do I, they need to start listening to the public. I was to be offered it at aged 24 x

  4. Glad everything is ok, and thanks for writing this post. Hopefully others that have this will not worry so much now, as you have explained what happens well.

    1. Thank you I hope it helps at least one person x

  5. glad all is OK. it is important to talk about it so thanks for sharing and raising awareness

  6. Glad everything's clear for you, it must have been tough knowing the 'what if's'

    1. It certainly was and my mind was going all places at first x

  7. Sorry you've had to go through this. Smears are definitely worst in your head than in reality. I'd put mine off for two years and it has just come back inconclusive so I have to go again - typical!!

    1. I'm kind of not sorry as at least they followed up quite quickly and I can share how my experience to others x

  8. Glad to hear everything was clear and you may not have to return for a year. I've had a colposcopy and numerous biopsies myself for abnormal cells. I have CIN 11, just have to wait it out till they get worse to be removed. Strange how they work the system here...

    1. I have to go back in 3 years instead and everything came back clear x

  9. So glad your news was good news, it must've been so worrying for you.x

  10. I hope your results come back in the clear! It can be so scary hearing about 'abnormalities' and waiting on test results x

    1. I am all clear and am not due back for another 3 years x


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