Planning my girls 3rd birthday

I cannot believe my baby girl is going to be 3 years old in twi weeks. We have been planning party ideas and buying present. Presents This has been the hardest year to find presents for her. She is at the stage where she loses ingress in things so easily. We have managed to get her a few bits but are still looking. She had a scooter, some duplo, a tinkerbell book which she asked for and some wooden pretend play food/ kitchen bits. I wish we could find things easier but we just can't seem to find anything that we know she'll like or that we agree on. Decorations I managed to pick a few bits up from Dunelm mill in a sale that they had, so this year is about princesses and we got some princess banners for just 49p per pack and some invitations for 69p per pack. These are so cute and you certainly cannot beat that price. I will be looking on pintrest for more decoration ideas for a princess party. Birthday Cake Lastly is the birthday cake which we wi...