7 Years together

Seven years ago today me and Liam got together and we were engaged just 3 1/2 months later.

we have been through so much since that day 7 years ago and he has always stood by me. We have had more arguements than most, been through a miscarriage and had a successful pregnancy and we have come out the other end stronger each time. 

My man means the world to me and has helped me through a lot of grief and with my panic disorder. He works incredibly hard to keep us afloat and always knows how to make us smile. 

I don't tell him enough how much we both appreciate him but I hope he knows how much we do. 

Seven years down the line and we finally are more settled than any other time. We still argue like cat and dog, we make each other laugh and we are always there for each other.

My best friend and future husband.



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