Welcome 2015!

Happy new year, I hope that 2015 brings you all that you wish for!
I am excited to say that we have a lot of plans this year

I really hope that it is better than the end of last year! We have a lot of saving ti do and a lot of work to do.

1. We are going to TRY to save for a deposit for a new place. We would like a family home where we can feel at home.

2. We have a family holiday in May so the countdown until that has started and will be writing lists and planning soon.

3. We may be getting married, that sounds scary as hell lol but very exciting. If we are we have a lot of planning for this.

4. I'm am going to try and be a little bit more healthy, vitamins, Workouts, more water, remember my medicine. Weather this last any time is another matter.

5. Last but not least I am trying so hard to make our house a home. I have an ebay list of bits we want and need for the home and a ton of bits on the way. My poor postman lol! 

So if all goes to plan we should have our life on track by the end of this year! I really hope that this year works out for us. I am going to try my hardest.




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