Christmas eve 2014

Our Christmas Eve was perfect! So busy with getting last minute bits, baking and even seeing Santa fly over.

By the time Lilly went to bed I was feeling more festive than I had all month. We had done so much and were ready for the next few days! 

Here are a few pictures of our day.

Lilly was really enjoying the cbeebies app with the advent calender,  So many easy Christmasy games for her to play. 

This year we made some gingerbread for Santa along with a homemade mince pie. He also had a glass of sherry and some special reindeer food. Lilly also wanted to put a blanket out for him to be 'cosy'

Santa came and left lots of treats for us, didnt realise how much we actually had lol. But made it look more special. 

Lilly was exhausted by the end. Even though she was excited she slept like a log.

Christmas day blog to follow! 



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