Lilly's snowy day

Yesterday was the first snowfall our town has seen in two years, and even though it was bearly a covering we went out to enjoy it. 

Nothing better than a little trip 's snowing to enjoy what doesn't happen very often.

The ssnow only lasted about an hour at most but we wrapped ourselves up, Lilly in here (12-18 month) snowsuit, hat and gloves and me in my coat and gloves to walk to the village.

Lilly ababsolutely loved it, making footprints and making small snow balls to throw at Mummy. She also loved the idea of when we got home warming up with some hot chocolate and marshmallows.

We can certainly say we enjoyed the snow while it lasted and didnt get too cold. Just wish it was a little more and that Liam was home to have enjoyed it too. 

How much snow, if any did you all get? Hope you enjoyed it.



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