Lilly's 2nd birthday

Lilly second birthday was such a lovely day, surrounded by family and food and laughter. She seemed to thoroughly enjoy her self. Here are a few pictures from her day, she was very spoilt.

Me and Daddy got all this sorted the night before so she could walk in and find all of her presents and cards. 

She was so excited to open them all, but a bit overwhelmed too. She managed to unwrap all of them, including her cards all by herself. Every time she opened A boxed present she would ask me to open it for her.

Over Nanny's she got a little tikes car which she completely loved and didnt stop playing in pretty much up to the start of her party.
When all the family arrived she had many more presents to open and lots of people saying happy birthday to her. She didnt know what was happening. Bless her.

She had lots of fun playing and running around with everyone. Even got to go grass surfing. 

This was her Minnie mouse birthday cake, Liam didn' have time to make her one in the end but she still got Minnie mouse. And it was pretty yummy. Saldy the candle wouldn't stay alight.

This was her attempt at blowing out the already blown out candle, bless her. She was so excited to see Minnie mouse and wanted to eat it there and then.

She was so tired after her party that she fell asleep with her beaker hanging put of her mouth.

She seemed to have a good day and got completely spoilt. With clothes, toys and lots of sweet treats. Cakes, jelly, bbqed food.



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