My birthday

It's my birthday so no weigh in this week. Just wanted to share a few pictures of my day.

My morning started off with my birthday special, some pancakes, with glance cherries and golden syrup with coffee. I never really have anything other than bran flakes so a real treat.

My man really knows me, I wasnt expecting anything let alone a yankee candle AND shade. The cande is in the scent lovely kiku and its a glass butterfly shade for a small jar. This was an utterly amazimg surprise and so sweet of him to think of that.

These flowers are from my mu, and dad, dyed crythanthimyms in pink, blue and the original white colour, some of the leaves have picked up the dye too. These are so pretty and quite a cool idea beimg dyed.

Family photo time, we don't have these very often so when I get the chance in take it, any occasion possible, sadly no smiles from Lilly but it wasn't long before her bedtime. 

                          So for dinner we had a treat take away. I had burger and chips for mine. And after my man ran me a bubble bath with sweet
A very quiet day but still a good day. I am now officially 2......
I saw leave you with a picture of my birthday Ben & Jerry's with my little candle.



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