A trip to the farm

Today me and Lilly took a trip to a working farm in Pett. It was a nice day for it and we really enjoyed ourselves. 

There were 4 types of animals that we saw which were Cows, sheep, chickens and ducks. 

We started off by walking over some on the fields and saw the sheep waiting to give birth, and collected such things as feathers and wool.

We then headed back to the main bit so got to walk through a field of sheep and head along the trail with chickens everywhere.

We made it to the cow shed where there were so many cows and they just kept appearing, there was a cow just given birth so very protective. Lilly was so nervous at first but got over that in the end and tried to feed a couple herself.

After we saw some ducks and then we had to come home, So we washed our hands and off home we came. 

Hope you enjoyed our little adventure as much as we did.

Viki x


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