Peppermint Creams | Recipe and Method

Over the Christmas holidays from school I love to keep lils entertained with a lot of baking,  we usually share our makes with family and friends. 

This time we have added a very yummy recipe to the list which is Peppermint creams, these were one of my Mums favourite sweets so will now be a tradition to make them in memory of her.

This recipe only has 4 ingredients and is so easy to make and requires no baking. 


400g Icing sugar
1 egg White
Juice of half a lemon
1/2 tsp Peppermint extract 


1. Beat egg until a foam appears on top. 
2. Add a small amount of lemon and mix. 
3. Add the icing sugar and stir to form a dough. 
4. Add the peppermint extract and stir into the dough
5. Roll the dough out on an icing sugared surface to about the thickness of £1
6. Cut out shapes and place on a tray. 
7. Put in the fridge to set. 
8. Serve

These are so good, though very sweet. I hope you enjoy making these.

Victoria x


  1. I love all things peppermint so would love to try making these pepperming creams as my kids would love it too

  2. Ooh I love peppermint creams so I certainly need to give these a try!

  3. I absolutely love a peppermint cream, I bet these would also be amazing covered in chocolate x

    1. I think I am gonna try this next time. Dark chocolate sounds good x

  4. Oh yum these sound so good and I'm amazed at how easy they are to make. One for the New Year I think!

  5. Oh, I haven't made peppermint creams in so long but I often used to make them with my mum :)

  6. I do love the smell of peppermint when it’s cooking. I can see why your mum loves these sweets.

  7. Oh goodness, I haven't made these in years - used to be a speciality in school

  8. oooh these look absolutely yummy, need to give these a try, thanks for sharing.

  9. Erm, OK, so I need to make these RIGHT now - they look INCREDIBLE!


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