My Sunday Photo | Growing So Fast

This little girl is the apple of my eye, she is one truly amazing little girl who makes me smile, laugh, and is one of my best friends. 

She is now 6 years old and I cannot see where that time has gone? You blink and they are no longer the babies they once were.

She is now into things, likes to help with chores (most of the time), is reading everything she can get her hands on andhas the attitude of a teenager. I dread to think how she is actually going to be as a teenager.

But right now, I am going to enjoy this time of year with her, watch Christmas films, play with her presents with her (on Christmas day) and share some tasty hot chocolate and marshmallows.



  1. I know right?? They are growing up so quickly. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  2. Lovely post! Hope you have a happy new year

  3. I can only imagine how quickly she'll grow up to be a teenager - enjoy your New Year together x

  4. It is scary how quickly they grow (how do I have a 25 year old?)


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