Sage and Onion Yorkshire Puddings

Welcome back, it's been a whole since I've taken care of my blog, but I feel like I need to share my latest success with you all. The giant sage and onion Yorkshire pudding. In the past we have tried a branded version of these and I wanted to try and create my own, they worked out perfectly and I don't think we will ever go back to the original Yorkshire pudding recipe after trying these.

Recipe (Makes 8 large puddings)

100ml of Milk
2 Large Eggs
100g Plain Flour
1 tsp Dried Sage
1 tps Onion Salt
Oil for cooking

1. In a large jug mix the milk and egg together well, using a whisk.
2. Slowly add the flour and mix in well until the mixture is completely smooth, it can take a couple of minutes.
3. Add both the onion salt and dried sage to your batter and mix well.
4. Heat a Yorkshire pudding tin with a tablespoon of oil per pudding in the oven 220oC/Gas Mark 7 for about 10-15 minutes.
5. PLEASE BE CAREFUL Pour the mixture evenly between the pudding trays. cook for 20-25 minutes. Do not open oven until you think they are done.

I really hope these turn out as good for you as they do for us, and I would love to know if you try this recipe.

Thanks for reading.
Victoria xx


  1. That a new idea for Yorkshire puddings. I do like the sound of these it makes them more interesting flavourwise.

  2. Mmmmm these sound delicious and we're going to try them with our Sunday roast! They always taste better when you make them yourselves.

  3. Oh I LOVE this idea! My Dad's from Yorkshire and I lived there until I was 9 so Yorkshire Pudding's still feature a lot on the menu, but I would never have thought about adding anything to the batter. Will definitely be trying! :)

  4. Having some sage and onion in a yorkshire pudding sounds so tasty. I've never actually tried making them myself before but I might give it a go x

  5. Oh these look scrummy, why have I never thought of this

  6. You can't beat a good Yorkshire pudding - I've not tried them with sage and onion before but they look and sound delicious! x

  7. I make my own Yorkshire puddings but never thought about flavouring the batter. This seems like the best of both worlds with sage and onion flavourings like a stuffing ball!

  8. Ooh these look lush! I wouldnt have thought about adding the sage and onion to them, lovely! Going to give them a try but with my Oat milk as I cant have cows xxx


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