Toad in the Hole | Recipe

I have been really into cooking from scratch more lately, it has been taking my mind off of things and making me feel quite proud of myself. my latest is a family favourite and is now a staple in our house, which I certainly don't mind.

I have finally learnt how to create a tasty toad in the hole after learning how to make basic Yorkshire puddings too. This is ridiculously simple to make and I am kicking myself a bit for not trying before. This takes about 45 minutes in total to create with only five main ingredients. This serves 2-3 people easily.

Serving suggestion.


- 5-6 Sausages
- 140g Plain Flour
- 2 Eggs
- 175ml Milk
- Salt and Pepper
- Oil


1. Preheat your oven to Gas Mark 7/ 220oC, pour a layer or oil into a roasting tin and place in the oven.
2. Once heated add the sausages and cook for around 15 minutes to brown off. Whilst the sausages are cooking you can create the batter.
3. Mix the Flour, Salt and Pepper together  in a bowl and create a well in the centre. Add the 2 Eggs and mix well.
4. Slowly add the Milk and mix well until smooth and creamy looking.
5. Once the sausages are going brown pour the batter around the sausages trying to avoid pouring over them.
6. Place back into the oven and cook for around 25-30 minutes, do not open the oven until around 25 minutes as it will sink.
7. Serve with mash, veg and gravy for a tasty meal.


  1. This looks great! I don't think I've ever made toad in the hole before.

  2. I've never actually made toad in the hole before even though I love it, I don't know how this has happened x

  3. I love Toad in the Hole, my perfect comfort food.

  4. I freaking LOVE toad in the hole, but I always seem to mess it up! This seems like a great fool proof recipe! Thank you

  5. Ahhh, I so need this in my life! Do you know... I've never made toad in the hole. I'm going to make it thanks to this! Thank you.

  6. Your toad in the hole looks great, need to try this out myself!

  7. Toad in the hole has always been one of my favourite foods!

  8. Toad in the hole is one of my favourite meals. I'm hopeless at making Yorkshire puds though so mine are always a bit of a disaster!

  9. I've never made it, but you're right it looks so simple and yet tasty!


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