Mummy Outfit | Family Party

This weekend just gone we were invited to a wedding reception, this was important for me to go to as family seems more important than ever. It was also quite nice to get dressed up and sort myself out for once.

The outfit is quite simple but I absolutely love the dress. My dress is from Select, I got it about 2 years ago and have barely worn it, so was nice to get it out and freshen is up a little. I paired the dress with an F&F (Tesco) grey blazer jacket and some deep black tights, also from F&F. I didn't want to go too formal so I think this was perfect for a family party, it was so comfy for the night and made me feel pretty nice.

We had a fantastic night and my Lilly pops told me that I looked pretty, that certainly made my day.


  1. I love the blazer! I've been looking for one for ages but never think of F&F. Off to have a browse .... :)

  2. Aw. I hope you enjoyed the reception. You look beautiful in that dress xxx

  3. Wow, you look gorgeous in your outfit! Love it!

  4. I love the dress, I think it looks fab on you x

  5. I hope you had a good time, you looks great!

  6. This is such a classy style, love the blazer!

  7. You look great, it's a lovely dress and it goes well with the blazer. What a lovely thing for your daughter to say

  8. Glad you had a nice time, lovely. Your dress is super cute!


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