Mummy + Me | April 2017

This months Mummy and Me post is a little different because is it about me and my Mummy, There is a reason to this and if you follow me on my social media's then you will know that my Mum passed away a couple of weeks back, so this month is going to be a little bit about this amazing women.

This is my Mum, she was and will always be my best friend. She was a true inspiration to me and to may others, she was born without a hip bone, had asthma, diabetes, and a hernia, she had been in a wheelchair for all of my life and a couldn't be more proud of this women.

My Mum and my Dad gave me a wonderful childhood, have created many memories for me and made dreams come true. They took me on a mini flight for my 15th birthday, had family holidays every year and even brought tickets for the Harry Potter studios last year for me. 

When my Mum was young she was told that she wouldn't walk, work or have children, but my Mum, being the stubborn women she was managed all three in her life and more. She used to come to the school gates and pick me up in her wheelchair while Dad was at work, she let me ride on the back of her wheelchair and the amount of times I had a go at people for staring in unreal. But the most amazing thing was that she was my second birthing partner and sat in her wheelchair for hours on end to watch her grandchild come into the world.

She was an incredible women and she is going to be missed by so many people. 

I love you Mum x


  1. awww I am sorry to read that you lost your mum. I am a glad though you have some lovely memories. she sounds inspirational x

  2. I am so sorry to read about your mum and she does sound as though she was quite the inspiration to you x

  3. This is such a lovely post. So sorry to hear you lost your mum.

  4. I am so so sorry for your loss, she sounds like an amazing lady. Kaz x

  5. This is my first time visting your blog but I'm truly sorry for your loss. She sounds like an incredible woman! Sending lots of love to you and your family right now xx

  6. Im so sorry lovely. She sounds like an amazing, inspirational woman!

  7. Your mum sounds like an amazing woman - and it looks like she also raised you to appreciate things in life & be amazing too. I'm sorry for your loss - but I'm sure she was immensely proud of you. x

  8. RIP to your mum, she sounds like an amazing woman and I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It must be hard but looking back at how she inspired you in so many ways is beautiful and it sounds like she was the type of woman who never gave up and always proved people wrong x

  9. So sorry to hear that you've lost such an amazing woman but what a lovely tribute to her!

  10. I never usually comment but was moved greatly by the wonderful words you have written about your lovely mum. My mum too has sadly died although some time ago I am still bereft. I don't think you get over it but you learn to live with the loss and have happy times once again. I have watched you on you tube with your lovely little girl and have always thought you seem a kind genuinely nice person and an excellent mum to your little girl. I'm sure your mum lives on in you and would want you to have the happiest life you can. Take good care of yourself and be comforted by the memories of having a great mum. All the best to you and the family.

    1. I am so sorry for this incredibly late reply, this was in a other file for me to accept. Thank you so much for you comment, it means so much xx


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