Me and Mine • February 2017

February has been a really hard month for our family with my Mum being very poorly in hospital but en these two people with me in the above picture have really been my rocks. Liam has been my shoulder to cry on, my ear to listen and his cuddles and support have been just truely what I have needed. Lilly makes me incredibly happy with her smiles and giggles and her hugs are just the best to cheer up a hard situation.

With hospital visits, half term and now the chaos of going back after a week we haven't really managed to do a lot but we have had a few family days in with films, puzzles and baking too, trying to keep the normality at home for Lilly.

Viki has been loving
- Cuddles with my family.
- The sun poking it head out a few days this month.
- Further back in time for dinner, such a random programme but I loved it.
- The book, Always with love by Giovanna Fletcher.

Lilly has been loving
- Disney Pixar cars, she has watched it at least 30 times this month alone.
- Lemon and Lime marmalade, such a random choice, she had it a nursery and now loves it.
- Sophie the cat, she has her in bed to cuddle every night
- Avon bath paint, this is a winner to make bath time even more fun for her.

Liam has been loving
- The new cookie recipe that I have been using lately.
- coffee, he has been going through coffee like nobody's business.
- His farm simulator game still, even though he went a week without it while he sorted his computer out.
- Having his new wheels on his cars finally.

What have you been up to this month?

The Me and Mine Project


  1. I do hope your mum is getting better, I can't believe we are almost into March!

  2. Our February was rubbish really with sickness and chicken pox! I hope your mum is feeling better. Kaz :)

  3. February has gone by quickly for me. I hope your mum feels better soon x

    Telina | Love, Telina

  4. Fingers crossed that your mum gets better, I would love to hear more about that cookie recipe.

    1. Next time I make them I will get some pics and do a post for you :)

  5. I'm glad that February is nearly over, March always feels like a bit of a new beginning with the promise of spring on the horizon. I'm so sorry to hear that your Mum has been unwell, I hope she's better and home from hospital soon. x

  6. So sorry to hear your mum has been ill. I hope she is on the mend now and March is a better month for you all xx

  7. It is lovely to hear that your family are your rocks in these times and i do hope your mum is on the mend now x

  8. Sorry to hear that your Mum has been poorly. Sending love x

  9. Love this idea to focus on a handful of positive things each month. Great for perspective.

  10. So sorry to hear your Mom is ill. Hope she is on the mend soon. We wrote off february here's to hoping march has better days for us all. Hope you have a wonderful month ahead. #meandmineproject


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