My week in Pictures • 14th - 20th March

We have had a pretty uneventful week but I took a few pictures. First up I decided that it was time to get ready for Easter, so I brought some Easter decorations for Lil's window.

On Thursday it was the day for Lil's nursery to dress up for Sports Relief. They had to wear red and obviously we didn't have any. Luckily my Mum came to the rescue woth two cute red cardigans from Sainsbury's which I paired with the Mini club floral tunic and a blue pair of tights. And her school shoes.

Lastly from today, it has become a yearly tradition to watch the runners of the Hastings half marathon from Lilly's Great Grandma's house. This year we saw so many people dressed up, a man running the whole thing backwards and some very fast runners doing a 13.1 miles run in just over an hour. Crazy.

We have had a lovley week and finished it with a quick drive through the countryside on the first Spring day of the year. 



  1. Great pictures! That rhino really made me giggle at the end!! What a crackers thing to see! H x

    1. Especially running so far in that costume. They must be mad x

  2. What a fun week you've had though. Great photos.

  3. Fab pics! That rhino though! what was she thinking trying to run it it?!!!

  4. How on earth can anyone run a race backwards?! Madness! Fun to watch though I reckon 👍🏼 sometimes it is good to have a quieter week

  5. Great photos! The rhino at the end looked so random and made me laugh.

  6. I was like what the hell when I seen the Rhino LOL. Fair play to them jogging that long in costume, wouldn't be me!! Great photo's!

  7. Love the costume pictures. I thought it would be hard enough running a half marathon without adding the weight of a costume.


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