Potty training time

So I feel in me that Lilly is ready for potty training, she uses the potty al part every day once or twice and now feel that it is time to get the ball rolling.

Last week I brought a couple of items to get us on our way, firstly was a pack of 18-14 month briefs, just the cheap and cheerful ones beacuse I know accidents are going to happen. These were only £3 from F&F (Tesco)

I then also brought a pack of dry like me. These were on offer at £2 a box. There little pads to go into briefs. I thought these would be good to try out. 

Lilly will use the potty mainly before bed, or just after she has woken. I have been rewarding her with lots lf praise and a sticker for her chart to show her how many times she has managed to use it.

We have also used a couple of the dry like me, the first time she hated it but the second time was completely different. Both times she has told me to late bless her. She gets so angry and upset at herself.

Fingers crossed potty training goes smoothly.



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