Abnormal cells • Smear test • My treatment
Following in from my The importance of a smear test I wanted to share what happened next. I believe this is also as inportant as the first part and the more unknown. I recieved a letter about two weeks after my smear saying that I had borderline cell changes and that I would be booked in for a colposcopy. This was horrible, the worst kept going through my mind, the C word. I then waited a further week for an appointment for the clinic which was 3 weeks wait again, this also made me a little more nervous. Well today I arrived at the clinic full of butterflies. My name was called and I went into the room. At first a nurse went through what she was going to do and asked a few questions, I was then asked to get ready. The colposcopy was a little uncomfortable, just like the smear and was a little longer. She then gave me the news that everything looks clear but would take a biopsy to confirm her investigation, this was the worst bit, it felt l...
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