From Cot to Bed

So we as a couple have decided to start the transition from a cot to a bed at the age of 17 months, this we believe is for her safety as climbing is becoming a big issue in our house hold.

I will be doing weekly updates for the next few weeks to create a diary for me and for others to help with the transition.

So on the first night I was terrified about her falling out so started with the mattress on the floor, which worked well so the second night and though till now she has slept in her cot bed, and done brilliantly.

we have a duvet on the floor just incase to break the fall if one should happen and the cot bed we have been using does not have sides of any sort.

Well today her new toddler bed has arrived and just needs assembling, which does have side so will not have such a big worry.

So week 1 has gone well and she has taken to it like a duck to water.



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