10 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 10 Weeks

Total weight gain/measurements: 10st11lb

Maternity clothes: Nope but clothes are a little tight in the evening

Stretch Marks: Nope, no new ones.

Sleep: Still very tired in the day but am sleeping well at night.

Best moment this week:  Lils birthday

Miss anything? Being able to eat my evening meal without feeling sick.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Smells, tastes and my evening meals, 

Gender: We don't know yet. 

Labour Signs: None. 

Symptoms: very sore boobs, horrible taste in my mouth, feeling very nauseous,

Belly button in or out? in

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or moody? happy

Looking forward to: Meeting my midwife next week. I don't think she is gonna like me with my family history though. 


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