5 Weeks Pregnant | Feeling Full

Not baby, just bloat and mum tum.

How far along? 5 Weeks
Total weight gain/measurements: -1.8lb, weight 161.2lb
Maternity clothes: Nope
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Same as last week, am very tired during the day and usually fall asleep on the sof early.
Best moment this week: Finding out that I was expecting even though it was a shock. 
Miss anything? chocolate, not fancying it but miss it at the same time.
Anything making you queasy or sick? The smell of melting butter on toast
Gender: We don't know yet. 
Labour Signs: None. 
Symptoms: Tender nipples, slight nausea, feeling full, tiredness
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or moody? a little anxious but happy.
Looking forward to: my first appointment.

I feel like the last week went so slowly so I am hoping this one is a little better, I have now done my self referal to the maternity department and am waiting on a phonecall from the community midwives. I still can't quite believe that I am pregnant and have no ordered some strip tests off eBay so I can test every few days, it also puts my mind at ease due to suffereing a miscarriage at 6 weeks around 8 years ago.


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