Getting a Kitten! Our new family member!

Back in August we decided that we wanted to get a family pet for the family and after very little deliberation we came to the decision to get a kitten. I have luckily grown up with cats in the family so know quite a bit about them BUT I was only young and it has been a bit of a learning curve.

So meet Jack, out now 5 month old kitten, he is so mischievous and has such a funny character, and has certainly made himself at home with us. 

He loves a belly rub, loves climbing on every bit of furniture and is constantly lying around our neck like a scarf. 

I wanted to write this post to introduce him but also to let people know what to look for and think about before bringing your furry pet home.


Every cat needs vaccines, from the age of 8 weeks they should receive there primary vaccines. Jack has had two sets with the primary vaccines which should be followed up by yearly boosters. Vaccines are also usually required for pet insurance.


If you are thinking of letting your cat out or of you want that extra bit of protection if you cat escapes then look at getting a microchip. This is a chip inserted into the animals back with your details on. This procedure is very quick but is a bit uncomfortable for you pet. Some owners get it down when they get there cat neutered.


This is a very common procedure in both cats and dogs and is a good choice for them. In females they can actually fall pregnant from such a young age and constantly fall pregnant which isn't the best. In male cats it can calm there temprement and stop them spaying in your home.


Getting you animal insured is a good idea as it can help cover vet fees and also homing if something happens to you or the family home. There are lots of different companies to choose from with different amounts of cover and extras too. The best is to use a compare website to find the best policy to suit you and your pet.

Things you need

Getting your first kitten means you have the initial layout of everything you need added on. Jack is a house cat and this is what we have got for him.

- Litter tray and litter and scooper.
- Food and water bowl.
- wet and/or dry food for specific age.
- Toys (Jack is so playful).
- Treats.
- Cat bed.
- Cat box.

I hope this helps some people and I hope Jack makes you smile as much as he does us.

Thank you for reading.


  1. Aww he's so cute! There's so much to think about when getting a kitten - I had no idea :)

  2. aw so lovely! I would love to get a pet for my little ones, and we can't decide between dog or cat :)

  3. Jack is so gorgeous! We are big cat fans in this house, I would also recommend getting a scratching post to try and keep them from messing up your furniture.

    1. That is so true, we do have one but forgot to mention it x

  4. Aw wow how cute is your cat. always lovely to welcome an animal into the family home xx

  5. Sounds like Jack is a lovely addition to the family and will be loved by all. Lols like you have everything sorted like toys and treats to keep him happy too

  6. He is lovely! I am glad you mentioned all the costs involved though, as that is important too

  7. Awwwww - this reminds us of our cat Cookie. What a little tearaway! We love black cats in this household x

  8. Aww how cute is she!! We were recently adopted by a little black cat ourselves! She still has no name yet and is due to go get her vaccines and neutered soon, too.

  9. What a little cutie! I used to have a kitten growing up and would love another one x


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