Chessington World of Adventures | Family Day Out

Back in August we were lucky enough to take a trip up to Chessington World of Adventures with the three of us. We were luckily enough to get seats on a community funded project for a coach trip up there. We had such a lovely day so here is our story.

Our coach left our town at 9:30 in the morning and we arrives at about 11 am,we first entered the park through the coach end, which is located near the sea life centre and animals, so this is what we first ventured to, there are so many animals there which Lilly had never seen before, she especially loved the giraffes and the penguins. The zoo and sea life centre added more excitement to Lilly's trip as she got to experience so much in one day.

We sadly miss some of the animals as the signage wasn't amazing and I am terrible at reading maps, but hopefully next time we will managed to visit those ones too.

After we finally managed to find our way to the rides the real adventure began, we had downloaded the app for both the map and the ride waiting times, which were pretty accurate and up to date with he sign boards outside the rides itself. We tried to make the day all for Lilly as we don't get to experience things like this very often so we let her pick which rides and when. 

The first ride we went to was The Gruffalo River Ride Adventure, this was so lovely as me and Lilly  personally love the story of the Gruffalo and even Liam thought it was good, this ride has taken the place of Bubble works. The ride takes you on a slow trip through the story of the gruffalo, but be warned you may get a little wet and the wait may be long.

The next ride was the Flying Jumbos, this was very surreal for me to watch her on it as many years ago I remember going to Chessington and going on these elephants with my Auntie Jenny. She wanted to go on on her own and she absolutely loved it.

She had some time in a little soft play area called Dragons Play House, this gave me and Liam a chance to take a breath and relax. After we found a ride with such a little queue called The Jungle Bus but it was so nice and Lils laughed her head off. This ride literally rotates vertical so makes your belly go funny. 

After we found Tuk Tuk Turmoil which in all fairness is dodgems or bumper cars as some people call them. Lilly and Liam went in while car and I went in another, we kept trying to get each other but always seemed to be miles away, Lils was laughing the whole time.

The last two rides were a little bit slower and had shorted queue times as it wasn't long until our coach was leaving. We all went on Toadies Crazy Cars as a family and Lilly pretended to drive us around. The last one was Adventure Tree Carousel, Lilly went on this alone, it was a very slow moving carousel but it was a nice end to our trip. Both me and Liam stood there watching our big girl have fun and be independent.

We did get some gifts to bring home, I brought the photo of us on the Gruffalo River Ride Adventure, I just kinda wish my phone wasn't in the photo but I was filming Lils reaction. Liam got a huge mug and Lilly got a Fox teddy from the Gruffalo story.

We had such a lovely day but I would suggest downloading the app, taking your own food and be prepared to queue. If you want to watch our day the vlog will be left below for you.


  1. Sounds like you had such a lovely day out. I've never been to Chessington but would love the Gruffalo ride!

  2. Aw I love Chessington! It seems they've got a few new rides since the last time I went though, and I know my little ones would absolutely LOVE The Gruffalo ride!

  3. Definitely be prepared to queue at any amusement park like this, but I do agree downloading a map can make it easier to work out where you want to go and what you want to see x

  4. It sounds like you all had a love day. I've still not managed to make it to Chessington but from the sounds of things I think my daughters would love it

  5. This is one place we have never visited, but would love to. Kaz

  6. Looks like you all had a really fun day at Chessington. I would to try the Gruffalo River Ride Adventure.

  7. I haven’t been to chessington in so long, but it looks like you all had a great day out x

  8. My family and I also went to the Chessington world of adventures last month and although it was raining throughout, we still managed to have a brilliant time!


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